The Carvers and us at the Lodge at Kentucky Dam State Park
More updates - I really am almost caught up! We had a fun day in Grand Rivers, KY on Tues Oct 9th. We rented a golf cart from the marina and tooled around the town. Got lunch at Patti's Iron Skillet and ate way too much! Did a little shopping and got organized again. Wed the 10th we left Green Turtle. We went from Barkley Lake through the canal to Kentucky Lake where we'd reserved a slip at the Kentucky Dam Marina. It's really a pretty area; I was expecting fall colors but it's still very green here. Weather cooled off a lot; it actually feels like fall. The Carvers' friend, Bob, was here to meet us. David treated us all to lunch at the lodge at the state park and Bob gave us a tour of the area, as he grew up near here. Then it was time to say good-bye and it's back to the two of us (and Ginger of course). David and Aasta were great boat guests and a lot of fun to have along.
Thurs Oct 11th - Did some bike riding and housekeeping/laundry and engine maintenance on the boat. It's just 65 cents/foot at this marina. It's got to be the houseboat rental capital of the area and they're huge! The one in the slip next to us is 82ft with a hot tub on the upper deck. Funny thing is there's one washer/dryer and two showers/restrooms (one each for men and women) for this whole place. You Menominee boaters have it made! We plan to head out to an anchorage on Saturday.
Happy Birthday to our son Kyle who turns 29 on October 12th. He's the jazz musician in Brooklyn, NY whom we haven't seen since last Christmas. Here's Kyle doing his thing on the drums.
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